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Learn to walk again ..

Although we had trained on the basics of tourism for years, the re-training it easy able to correct some wrong habits.
Walking comes naturally to humans, so it is "prescribed" to them over and over again without thinking. For example, the Department of Health and Human Services Guide to Exercise, published in October 2008, the past, all the adults are recommended, regardless of age and health status, exercise walking strenuously for two and a half hours per week. However, the evidence does not indicate in any page him, to how walking man.

We also do not expect our part of the guide refer to the matter. For healthy adults walking happen automatically, so that they can not remember how they learned it. This however ventured to walk great distances many of us have practiced bad habits in this way, have led us to become less efficient as we walked, and perhaps even bring harm to us.

The good news suggests that decades of years of research has shown that it can restore us to the heart of the patterns used for walking during the period of our lives.

* «Criminal investigation» for walking

* There are a number of institutions that are looking at the human gait, and a hospital Helen Hayes in Astheffirstro in the state of New York, one of these institutions, where researchers physiology which develops system to assess the human gait, by monitoring certain points in the head, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and the bony pelvis, Orepetta and legs, ankles, toes and ankles, in the course of human walking.

The researchers employed the physiology «Helen Hlis signs» in determining these elements that lead to that man walks are less efficient than the ideal gait. As specialists employed in the rehabilitation of the system with other means of treatments, to train patients who are recovering from illness or damage, to walk and evaluate Msheethm. As tools and similar methods it was also used to help athletes improve Msheethm, and led to the development of useful tips for all other people also.

We do not remember our first steps, but we all watched the first steps for young children after Antsabhm on their feet. The first gait of young children is stable and is an efficient, because the top section of the body lurching forward and backward and from side to side. So the baby novice walking forward in his walk forward the amount of half of what preceded by an adult to consume the same amount of energy.

But with improved balance, walking the child is getting better and, ideally, the adult will walk erect head, the back straight erect, armchairs and bent, and Barakptin Taatmdeddan and Tntnaan, and Bakdman Tdharban ground Bkaabehma Tdfanha parties and fingers. And here it must rotate the pelvis backward and forward about 8 degrees, and tend to be slightly down on the side which does not carry weight. The man on the knee, which increases the weight that flexes when we pay our feet fingers. While we appreciate and decline slightly during walked the pelvic rotation and Malanh In conjunction with the knee and ankle and foot movements, all the ease of vertical movement.

The top section of our body also performs his role, in moderate speed of walking should be the torso and shoulders rotation in a different phase of the process that goes on in the tub. As a result, the swing or one of the two men rush forward leads to swing one arm on the other side of the body. This balancing act can be observed in the movement of troops in the course of military Msheethm.

Unfortunately, few of us have access to the ideal gait, and a limited number remain less they practice stage. During the periods of time may bow our heads and pay our bodies forward from the middle area, so that shifts the center of gravity of our forward, as if we are always as close as we are to the event of default. Instead of bobbing well it has Ttahedl Dhiraana without movement on Jnpina. Thus, the movement of the heel turn, the parties to the toes, rhythmic, to just blow on the floor of the sidewalk.

Perhaps our bodies felt the effects of the bad walk, but we do not attribute this feeling to the real source. Bad gait and does not lead to the occurrence of pain in the legs or feet, but also to the neck stiffness and pain in the shoulders and in the lower back, and more likely to fall on the ground.

* Medical conditions

* Bad habits are not the only reason for the bad gait, there are the types of conditions that can also impact on a walk. The majority of these cases can be treated, so you have difficulty walking, the identification of the causes of your condition and treatment may lead to improved Mhitak.

Perhaps more cases of arthritis that affects the human gait common, human adjusts the way his walk, without even thinking about it, in order to avoid greater pressure put on the detailed is strong because it would feel hurt if it does so. Doctors call this situation the name «Walk avoid pain» gait antalgic.

And people living with arthritis in the pelvic bone sometimes appear to have a strange gait impulsive, where they cut the shoulder when he put weight on the patient's pelvic bone, and raise the second opposite shoulder. The knee affected with arthritis she had to pay the patient to walk knee bent instead of the extension and put it in the form of integrity when it hits the heel and toe of land, and reduce knee bent part of the pressure on the joint, but they put the effort on the rest of the man parts and interfere with step foot, instead of the movement of the heel toward the toes are only foot traffic fingers.

* Sight problems

* The bad balance also affects the human gait, Vrdod acts, and joints healthy, strong muscles, and a balance in the ear, which gives us a sense of the space around us emplacement, all play a role in maintaining erections Qamtna. If we lost any of them Snturnh. We turn to compensate for the bad balance to reduce the extent of our steps, or sometimes walk to expand the distance between Rgelena.

Good balance depends on the good eye, as it allows the brain to process fast automatic tuning for walking on uneven surfaces and avoid things that are on earth. Of course, our eyes Tsaaadanna maneuverability conscious on the sidewalks, stairs and other barriers in our way. The bad eyesight leads to brachybasia can turn into a movement simply to drag the foot, in which the foot is not exposed to almost leave the ground.

The walk also affect eyesight problems with aging, such as macular degeneration macular degeneration, cataracts and cataract lens. And increasing gait worse with cases of infection affecting the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), as well as the problems of the peripheral nerves that control the muscles, which send signals to the brain sensations. Parkinson's disease, which affects the movement is the best example here, many infected and similar illnesses have him show cases of foot dragging, or severe Msheethm be bending. It also freezes the movement could turn into a problem, since finding themselves unable injured can not initiative the next step.

As Alzheimer's disease is not «dynamic» such as Parkinson's, which does not affect the walk straight, but it affects the mind. Walking has become a risk because patients can forget taking simple precautionary steps, such as a spark of light at night when they go to the bathroom.

* Walking cautiously

* Even with good health in the long life Msheetna changed, perhaps due to fear of falling on the ground, who may not be aware of it entirely. At this stage, the rhythm of our steps (number per minute) cadence at least, so we spend more time on our legs, and become shorter step, which will shorten their swings or rush the man. Some people raise their feet a little bit more to the top during the first part of the rush of the man, stumbling onto a vigilant because there is something on the ground.

It is very reasonable to Msheetna become more cautious with age, as we adapt appropriately with our loss of muscle strength and balance, which is normal when things pyramid. However, the people are a little more cautious than necessary and at least Mhihm, and thus they become weaker and less balanced.

* Letter Harvard Health,

* Examine the way Misheck

* Walk human self can be distinct like fingerprints, as it appears from the films of Charlie Chaplin and Marilyn Monroe, but - and unfortunately - some personal habits exotic that makes us walk a unique gait of its kind to be harmful as well, especially when you remain with us for a long time (Vmsheeh Chaplin's tottering gait Monroe-heeled boots were too high will lead to the result of the destruction of the knee position to have). If you feel a continuous pain or problems with balance, and think that the way you walk you are responsible, there are several ways to make sure of that.

Look at your feet, looked more closely in the comfort of your feet in your shoes, note the locations of hardened parts of the skin or cracks, and note that your shoes may wear and tear injury in an area without the other. The wear and cracking in your feet or your shoes means that you have moderate gait or weakness in erection in stature while walking.

.. Walk towards your friend or a mirror. Try to re walking again, notice every time different aspects of Mhitak (over the step, swing your arms), and put Antsabk (positions bony pelvis, torso, shoulders, head). See a specialist. Specialist in physical therapy or athletic trainer may Mhitak They could be evaluated in the course of walking, Szimknhma Note your body movement and angles of the Parties, and the length of the extent of the steps.

* Tips .. step to correct

* It is possible to correct the inherent walking habits, which acquired rights over the decades. Even if it were not bad Mhitak feel that you can take advantage of the following tips:

Look forward, lift the top of your head, do not bow down your palate or look to the earth, but the face of Onzark forward at a distance of 10 to 20 feet (3 to 6 meters approximately), but I wanted to check into the ground to avoid the barriers lower your eyes not your head, The head erectus reduce the likelihood of the emergence of neck and shoulder pain.

Expand your spine, your shoulders should be-furnished and square rooms, are not outstretched toward the back and Mtahedlten forward, tighten the buttocks. When your body upright completely you'll be able to skip a straight line and placebo your ear to the shoulder and hip, knee, ankle, and it appears this line when you see it from the side. Maintaining the correct position in the erection while walking will help you to avoid hip and lower back pain.

Bend your arms, bend your elbows 90 degrees, and let your arms Taatorjuhan at waist level. It should be Mekovp your fingers and not in the hands clenched, though you may usually gained sagging arms may need some conscious effort to raising them.

Turn the bony pelvis. Rotate around its axis pelvis adds strength to your stride. Fold your feet, hit the ground Bkaabak, lift your fingertips, assume that a person who walks behind you wants to see the soles of your shoes while walking.

Callers who careful steps, and long-term steps lead to an imbalance. Focused on shorter steps, and callers who many of them.

Involved in the load. There is much to be said for carrying heavy loads over the head, and all the weight on the back or shoulders affects the most on a tall, because it pays the trunk forward. The Backpack in which the weight is distributed evenly over the Ketvinn They are the best options to carry things. If you use a bag attached to the shoulder try converted from the shoulder to the other every few minutes during your walk.

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