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What to Take, What to Skip about Vitamins

What you need, and how to get it ; 

  Vitamins and minerals are essential to any diet, and research suggests that may help prevent cancer and heart disease, not to mention other health problems. But reality check: Many studies have been made on foods containing vitamin, but not necessarily supplements.

In fact, if you eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and fortified foods, it is likely to get everything you need. But the supplements offer an easy insurance, just in case of health.

Do you need? Here's a quick guide of beneficial nutrients and what they can do for you.

Beta-carotene ;

It is found in carrots, sweet potatoes and green peppers, among other foods, the antioxidant becomes the body to vitamin A and is important for good vision, immune system function, and good skin. However, the evidence is not really there to recommend to ward off cancer. In fact, a 2004 study found that supplements may actually increase the risk of lung cancer in smokers.

In brief: Skip the supplements if you are a smoker, and try to get beta carotene from fruits and vegetables, if you smoke.

Calcium ;

  It is found in carrots, sweet potatoes and green peppers, among other foods, the antioxidant becomes the body to vitamin A and is important for good vision, immune system function, and good skin. However, the evidence is not really there to recommend to ward off cancer. In fact, a 2004 study found that supplements may actually increase the risk of lung cancer in smokers.

In brief: Skip the supplements if you are a smoker, and try to get beta carotene from fruits and vegetables, if you smoke.

Folic acid ; 

Folic acid, which prevents neural tube defects such as spina bifida in newborns, is in the breakfast fortified cereals, green vegetables, legumes, citrus juice, bread and pasta.

In short: Get 400 micrograms per day of vitamin B, and 600 pregnant or lactating women, it is obvious. This amount should come from foods, supplements, or both, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Jury still like folate fight against cancer, heart disease, or mental illness.

Iron ; 

  You may not like the iron-rich foods (liver and other organ meats), but the mineral is essential for the proper functioning of red blood cells and, therefore, prevention of anemia.

  In a nutshell: Try to get iron from food sources, which also include lean meats, seafood, nuts and green vegetables. However, you may need a supplement if you are anemic, or your doctor may prescribe, before surgery, said Jessica Anderson, a registered dietitian with the Center for Education curve Coastal Health at Texas A & M University Health Science Center in Corpus Christi. Women, especially those who are pregnant or menstruating, could also benefit.

Multivitamin ;

There is little evidence that multivitamins can help prevent breast cancer, and in 2006, the NIH panel was not convinced that popping pills worth it. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, who said that the only benefit that could reduce the risk of cancer in people with poor nutrition is not. And a large 2009 study found no beneficial effect of vitamins for cancer or death in postmenopausal women.

In brief: Multivitamins are not a bad idea if "you are on the road," said Anderson. "But do not expect great benefits to save lives."

Potassium ;

Potassium can lower blood pressure, even on irregular heartbeats, and counter the effects of excess sodium. It is found in bananas, raisins, green leafy vegetables, oranges and milk.

In short: Consider a supplement if you are taking potassium-sparing diuretics for heart disease, or if you are African American, a group that is at increased risk of hypertension and heart disease. Note that too much potassium can be harmful to the elderly and people with kidney disease.

Selenium ; 

  The body needs small amounts of this antioxidant, found in meat, seafood, eggs and bread. One study found that taking 200 micrograms per day reduces the risk of prostate, lung and colorectal cancer, but other studies have not been "a complete failure," says Anderson. This includes a 2011 analysis.

In short: Do not count selenium to reduce your chances of getting or dying from cancer. There are chances that you get enough food sources, anyway.

Vitamin C ;

This cure vaunted for everything found in citrus fruits, berries, broccoli and green peppers, simply did not note regarding the prevention of colds. One study suggested that taking vitamin C regularly could reduce the duration of a cold day.

In a nutshell: Try to get enough vitamin C through their diet. It is normal to take a supplement, especially if you are a smoker or nonsmoker who are often exposed to secondhand smoke. But it seems little sense to fight against rising consumption sniffles and coughs.

Vitamin D ;

Vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium, necessary for bone health. It is particularly accessible by exposure to sunlight, no food. Too little vitamin D may contribute to osteoporosis and rickets in children. Some data suggest that the vitamin may reduce the risk of type 1 and 2 diabetes and multiple sclerosis, but the jury is still out on these benefits.

Conclusion: Although very little sun is needed to get their share of vitamin D, and some foods are fortified with it, the gaps are not unusual. Supplements can be a good idea, especially if you do not have exposure to the sun, they are over 50, or have dark skin.

Vitamin E ;

  At one time, it was believed that this antioxidant can protect the heart, but a large trial published in 2005 found that 600 international units (IU) every other day or lessened or prevented cancer risk of heart attack or stroke in middle age and older women. (More recently, a 2008 study found no benefit of 400 IU every other day middle-aged and older men.)

In short: Forget supplements and get their vitamin E from food (oils such as safflower, peanuts, eggs, fortified cereals, fruits and green vegetables). Note that cooking and preserving food with vitamin E can reduce the amount you get.

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