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A recent study: sitting, standing very dangerous for health!

A lot of recent studies on the subject of prolonged sitting, especially in the workplace, this study showed no difference between little standing or sitting at work on human health.

Researchers organizers were able to study from the University of British University of Exeter reached this conclusion after being targeted for more than 5,000 people for a time period exceeding 16 years.

Where he asked all participants to fill data about the daily routine, which includes the total hours of sitting, what did they do during leisure time, and the amount of their physical activity. He noted researcher Dr. Melvin Helsdon Dr Melvyn Hillsdon that any fixed position when energy consumption is very low, it would be detrimental to health, and is defined as standing or sitting.

The researchers took into account during the study a number of different factors that may affect it, such as:

Economic and social situation.
Alcohol intake.

After the information is analyzed, the researchers found that there is no difference in death rates between those who are sitting at length, or spend the same time and a standing ovation. The researchers explained that the main and the main key in this matter is in motion both while sitting or standing.

The researchers stressed that their study indicated his previous studies that prolonged sitting has become quite dangerous, such as smoking, said Dr. Helsdon: "The results of our study indicate that the danger lies in sitting or standing, which does not coincide with any movement."

Which highlights the benefits of the new sit stand desks are skeptical, and strengthens the benefits attached offices Bbdalat energy producer.

While the researchers noted that it is important to future research on the topic and make sure it, and study the effect of attached office with a PBX in.

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