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The Correct Running Exercises

It should be easy to run like we put forward before the feet, is this true? Anyone can take place, but can the existence of the right technology that makes a big difference.

It will help the good running technique that make us feel less tired during running, and reduce the risk of injury and will be running at the end of the day more enjoyable.

Participate Mitchell Phillips, director of the experts running the company StrideUK basic advice to help run relaxed and efficient:

Maintaining a moderate head
You must look straight ahead, for about 30 to 40 meters ahead, avoiding looking at the feet at the bottom. Create stressful to look at the bottom of the neck and shoulders. And we maintain a relaxed jaw and neck.

Lack of melodic shoulders
It must be maintained in the shoulders back and down. And preservation of Mstrkhien and avoid being exposed to stress. Should not be more melodic shoulders because Anhinahma may restrict breathing process, which allows the amount of less oxygen to reach the muscles.

Maintaining the relaxed hands
You should stay Mstrkhittan hands, but do not let them flop. Stressful may cause Almhdodtan hands all the way up the back and shoulders.

Maintaining the arms at an angle of 90 degrees
It should be arms curves 90 degrees. You should try Arjehthma forward and backward, and not through the body. Arm movement helps us forward, so the Arjehthma aside is a waste of energy.

Bend forward while running
Not recommended by leaning forward or backward from the waist down because this puts pressure on the hips. Some experts recommend by running in an upright position, but Phillips believes that the use of body weight to bend slightly forward while running can relieve shocked heels and helps it to land in the middle of the foot.

Maintaining the stability of the hips
The hips should remain stable and heading forward. You should not bring out the rear abroad or shaking hips from side to side. It may help to keep this situation to prevent lower back pain and hip.

Not to raise your knees to far higher
Landing with a slight bend in the knee. This method helps to absorb shock when running on hard surfaces. Should not raise your knees a lot and avoid jump up and down. You must raise the knees forward instead of going up.

Strike mid-foot
Landing on the middle of the foot is considered the safest way to fall for most runners for the purpose of recreation. You should avoid the collision flattened heel or forefoot first. The foot should fall under the hips - not out of the front runner.

Not to hit the ground strongly
The goal is running short, light steps. Have good running light and quiet. Whatever hostility weight, you should not slam the football ground loudly when struck. The steps and light the most efficient and least stress caused in the body.

 More about jogging proper

Breathing deeply and harmonious
Whether breathing through the nose or mouth, Libenge try breathing deeply and harmonious. And avoid breath shallow and rapid. It advised of trying to achieve the same one for every two steps, but not to be afraid of trying to breath the longest.

Today, it is very fashionable to say that jogging is harmful to health. In fact, like any other sport, it only hurts if they are not carried out properly. Here we give tips for jogging out of the house or on the hard treadmill.

Sport running right - what are they? In recent years it seems that compared with multiple alternative training methods, the style known as basic training, running, became classified as a sport primitive and poor.

Criticized the trainers "of the new generation" in that jogging is considered dangerous, unhealthy, shaking the spine and facial skin, we have established significantly.

Many people choose to forget or ignore the simple truth - if he was to maintain the number of rules and to take simple precautions, as is the case in all sports, the jogging Not only does it Tdhar- but it may be useful and lead to achievements.

Before being convince you otherwise, do not forget that running is a competitive sport, the most individual and physical. If athletics is the queen of all sports, the running is the queen of the same powers Games.

More about jogging:

Some tips for those who recognize the advantages jogging. Because of the advent of the hot summer and the multiplicity of fitness clubs, we offer tips here to run on the machine in the gym and running outside.

Jogging abroad:

1. hours running. Must be running in the hours is warm, such as early morning or at sunset.

2. Place streaming. Preferably jogging in specially prepared tracks and avoid running aspects of off-road places.

3. on the beach. Running on the seashore best in particular, because the sand is absorbing shocks, thereby completely removes the threat on the knees to sensitive. When running on the beach, I prefer to wear shoes and find a flat surface as possible.

4. attention of the pulse. It is important to use a pulse meter, after consultation with a professional person. Identified the desired pulse and be attentive to the pulse of the appropriate heart for you. Pulse measure contributes to maintaining a fixed and definite pulse.

5. clothing. It is advised to wear a tight shirt with ventilation (dry fit) with the introduction prevent the entry of air to prevent injury to the chest cold.

6. shoes. Jogging shoes must be designed to run not for strength training. It should be fixed and with absorbing shocks, the movement smooth and comfortable.

Jogging in the club:

1. learned about the device. You must know the device and attributes - Instrumentation day with a rich and varied programs.

2. Prepare an appropriate program. It is recommended to consult with one of the trainers from the club in order to fit the right program for you and your personal needs and your goals.

3. focus. It is important to maintain a jogging track in the center and maintain focus.

4. targets. It is important to determine the long-term goals for the frequency, severity and duration of the decline sprinting.

5. safety of the track. It is important to train on a new track so that the shock absorbers are intact, thus reducing physical damage.

6. against boredom. So as not to feel bored, you need to determine different paths to the days of the week and tried to keep one break at least through. Each train running on the positives and challenges of different path.

Assurances task:

1. Relax. After jogging, sure to relax the legs. Begin by walking for five minutes and continued to strain muscles. And only then drink water and take your rest.

2. Proper breathing. Sure to inhaled through the nose and exhale through the mouth while running, even if you ask it at first and reduce the frequency of jogging focus.

3. gradient. Begin always running and Anhoh gradually.

4. According to the pace. If you Turkdon with the music, they tried to prepare an appropriate tablet running pace: slow songs at first, then faster and then slower again at the end.

They tried to be fast songs almost the same pace, so as not to affect the pace.

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